Friday, September 14, 2018

Polpette di Zucchine - Zucchini Balls

         Polpette di Zucchine - Zucchini Balls

I found this recipe somewhere on the internet in italian. I will gladly translate it for you since I made it and its super delish.

This is what you need:

- 800 gr Zucchini (2-3)

- 100 gr fine grated Parmigiano reggiano

- 30 gr (or more) Bread crumbs

- 1 TSP Thyme

- 80 gr Ricotta

- 1 Egg

- Salt and Pepper

- Semolina (Pasta Flour) to coat them

- Oil to fry

- I added to this recipe some red Pepper flakes

This is how you do it:

Cut off the ends of the washed Zucchini and grate them finely. Add some salt and put them in a fine Colander over a bowl, on top, lay a plate and something heavy. Let the Zucchini drain the water for at least 15 min.. After their drained, put them on a clean kitchen towel and squeeze remaining water out of them to get them as dry as possible.

Now to the Zucchini, add the Ricotta. Stir. Then the egg and stir. Then the Parmesan cheese and the bread crumbs. Season with salt, pepper and the Thyme and, if you want, the  red pepper flakes. Since my daughter just got diagnosed with Lactose intolerance, I had to use Lactose free Parmesan cheese. And I couldn't find Lactose free Ricotta, so I blended Cottage cheese until it was smooth. Unfortunately, that was a bit more watery then the original Ricotta. So I had to add a lot more Bread crumbs to get a nice dough.

Form this dough in neat balls and coat them in the Semolina Pasta Flour. If you can't find that in your Grocery Store, just use Flour.

Fry them in a pan with plenty oil to cover them until their golden brown.

Enjoy and Guten Appetit 

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