Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Bavarian Sausage

                    Bavarian Sausage 

Making your own sausage is a challenge itself. First, I had to find the casings. I did, at Bass Pro Shop. Then, I had to have a sausage attachment for the Kitchen Aid. I did, at Amazon. 

Then I had to have the guts to actually do it. Well, I skyped with my Mom in Germany and she 
told me, that she made her own sausage. I was like, no way. She never did that before and it 
can't be that she did it before me. So, challenge accepted. 

This is what you need:

- ground pork (it depends on how much you want to make. I used 1/2 lbs)

- Salt

- Pepper

- Marjoram

- maybe a little bit of paprika

This is how you do it:

Combine the meat with the spices well.

Wash and water the casings very good.

Put the casings on the sausage attachment and slowly let the meat get into the casings. I did
it sausage by sausage. I kept the meat tray so I could freeze some of the sausage.

Then just fry it like regular Brats. Once you figured out how to make your own sausage, you
probably won't by the store ones no more. You can spice them with whatever you want. Garlic, rice
and paprika are a very common mix.

Guten Appetit

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