Monday, December 12, 2016

Dry Rub for ribs Sony's Style

              Dry Rub for ribs Sony's Style

My daughter and I love, love, love the Sony's Dry rub smoked Ribs. I found this dry rub mix and modified it a bit so I think its getting to the original pretty close. Try it out and let me know what you 
think. I usually make a lot more of the mix, put them in cute little glasses and hand them out to friends or strangers as a little gift.

This is what you need: 

- 1/4 cup smoked Paprika

- 1 TBSP Onion Powder

- 2 TSP Oregano

- 2 TSP Garlic Powder

- 1/2 TSP Cumin

- 1/4 TSP Cayenne

- Salt (or smoked Viking Salt) and Pepper

This is how you do it:

Oil the meat good. Rub the mix into the ribs. Let sit for around 15-30 min.. Then put it in the preheated oven, covered with aluminium foil at 400 degrees for around 40-45 min.. 
Uncover and let sit for another 5-10 min.. If you have a smoker, you can smoke them now. They will be even more authentic Sony's 

We love it with Garlic bread and a fresh Tomato Salad

For the Chicken drums just put them in the oven for around 30 min or until done. Use your 
favorite BBQ Sauce, heat it up in a pan and add the chicken wings to it. 

Guten Appetit

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