Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Leberknoedelsuppe - Liver dumpling soup


                Leberknoedelsuppe (Liver dumpling soup

Liver dumpling soup is probably more like a Bavarian thing even though you find it even in Austria and Czech Republic. It's something we serve prior to a wedding meal or a good sunday meal but sometimes it is a dish all for itself. 

That is what you need:

- 200 gr Beef Liver 

- 100 gr the white of the bread, left out from the day before (I substituted with Panko a bit)

- 1 Egg

- 1 TBSP Lard

- Marjoram

- Onion powder

- Zest of 1 Lemon

- Fresh Parsley

That is how you do it:

Wash the Liver from the blood and dry it with paper. Soak the hard white bread with milk. 
Put the Liver in a blender and blend well. 

Beat the egg with the Lard (heat it up a bit so its liquid but not to hot. much easier). 
Add the Liver to the egg/lard mix and stir it together. Now you add the herbs. Marjoram you may add as much as you like. Onion powder should be around 1 TSP. Zest the lemon right into the mixture. I used a handful of fresh Parsley, chopped. 
Now you squeeze the milk out of the bread and add it to the mixture. Here I added some Panko with it because I didn't have had enough old white bread. 
Stir til everything is nicely combined. Now let it rest in the fridge 2 hrs..

Boil water in a wide pot, about 1 liter. Add Salt. Now wet your hands good and form little balls and glide them into the boiling water. Keep the boiling going and boil them for about 6 min.. I made the mistake and used gloves and the dough was sticking to my hands. Yeah, I thought I can get through this with clean hands. Silly me ha ha. My first balls looked frizzy. It is really so much easier and prettier with wet hands.
Once their cooked, add them into a clear broth. I used beef broth (since its beef liver right?). You don't want to cook them in the broth because it would get dull and then it doesn't look pretty no more. 

Garnish one dumpling with broth in a bowl and sprinkle with fresh Parsley and serve.

Guten Appetit

adding: you can use this season mix here too. It's not intense so I still add Marjoram and Parsley and Lemon Zest. You can find that at a german grocery store or maybe online at

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