Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Cream Spinach

                                  Cream Spinach

Because I got asked from a friend, I am going to post my way of making cream spinach
(or how we say it in german: Der mit dem Blubb). I don't have pictures yet but I will make them
the next time I am going to cook it and add them here.

That is what you need:

- 1 Bag of fresh baby spinach per person

- Heavy whip

- Salt

- Feta cheese or Parmesan or Blue cheese.... whatever you like

That is how you do it:

Put the baby spinach in a very big pot so it can hold it all with just a little bit of water, heat it up
and cover it. Let the spinach steam and stir occasionally. Once the Spinach is all steamed down,
it loses a lot volume. Now see how much water the spinach left. Sometimes its more and you have to drain some, sometimes it is not and you can keep it.

Use the hand blender to blend it down as fine as you like it. We don't like it to fine. We like to be still able to see what it was. Some like it like really mouse mouse lol. 

Once its having the consistence you desire, you add a bit of heavy whip and a bit salt and stir it well. The basic is done. Now you can get creative. Add Feta cheese or Parmesan or blue cheese or whatever you like. Just don't forget that they all contain salt. So when you add the cheese, don't add to much salt and you may want to add the salt at the very end. If you don't add cheese, you can add more salt to the spinach. 

We like to eat the spinach with home made french fries and some sunny side up. 

Guten Appetit

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