Saturday, October 29, 2022

Vegetarian Ravioli-Vegetable pan fry

           Vegetarian Ravioli-Vegetable pan fry

This is a dish from Hello Fresh Germany, my brother ordered for a while so he can learn new and vegetarian dishes. I love his approach of trying to cut out meat and diary as much as possible to send a message to our overcrowded market to reduce stress on our environment. Factory farming and cruel handling of animals should concern us all. There was a time where we bought what was season. When we butchered for the season. Now we are so spoiled to get what we want, when we want it and where we want it. This dish (and at least 1 more) is here to remind us how spoiled we are and how fortunate.  

This is what you need:

- 2 red Onions

- 2 Carrots

- 200 gr Mushrooms

- 200 gr Oyster mushrooms

- 1 pack of  fresh Ravioli

- 400 ml heavy whip (or crema media for less fat)

- 16 ml Worcester sauce

- 2 spring onions

- Salt, Pepper and Paprika to taste

- 100 ml Water

This is how you do it:

Cut all the vegetables and store separately. The onion half and then slice it. The Carrot cut in thin rounds or half moons. The mushrooms quarter, the Oyster mushrooms just rip in smaller pieces of 1 cm, the spring onions cut the white and store separately from the green.

In a large pan, add 1 TBSP oil and fry the red onions with a pinch of salt until nice brown and soft. Take them out and put aside.

Same pan, add another TBSP oil and the fresh Ravioli, Carrots, Mushrooms and white part of the spring onions for 5-6 min until the Ravioli are a bit colored. In the meantime, mix 100 ml Water and the Worcester sauce, heavy cream and Paprika and stir it together. Add the mixture over the Ravioli-Vegetables, reduce the heat to medium and simmer for 2-3 min until slightly thickened. Salt and Pepper to taste. 

For garnish, serve the meal in deep dishes and top it with the red onions and garnish with the green part of the spring onions. 

Guten Appetit 

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