Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Warm chocolate Pudding

                           Warm Chocolate Pudding  

Warm Puddings like chocolate or vanilla are a big thing in Germany. Especially when its getting to the colder months, its a warming soul food. Most Germans use Instant packs where you just add Milk and Sugar, but here in the USA you can't get them every where. So I had to find a way to make it myself. I am pretty content with my findings. For americans it might not be sweet enough. Well, then just add more sugar to it.

This is what you need:

- 40 gr. of Corn Starch

- 40 gr. Sugar (or sugar substitute)

- 40 gr. unsweetened Cocoa Powder

- 500 ml Milk

This is how you do it:

Pour the milk in a pot and heat it up. In the meantime, mix in a bowl the corn starch, cocoa and sugar. When the milk starts to boil immediately take it from the heat and whisk the dry ingredients into the milk. The cocoa will foam first a bit, just keep stirring until its smooth. Put it back on the heat and let it bubble up one last time to thicken. Now your pudding is done and you can enjoy it warm or cold.

For Vanilla Pudding you use instead of the cocoa powder either Vanilla extract or a Vanilla bean. Also add 1 Egg yolk and stir good so you don't end up with scrambled eggs. That gives the yellow color and helps thicken it.

Guten Appetit

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