Friday, January 4, 2019

Kaese Sahne Torte (cheese whipping cream Torte)

                     Kaese Sahne Torte

A very popular Torte in Germany. Especially, because you can add whatever fruit you like. 
From Pineapple over Strawberry to Mandarins...... Easy and quick to make, but a huge
impress factor. 

This is what you need:

for the Cake:

- 3 eggs

- 2 TBSP lukewarm water

- 100 gr Flour

- 100 gr Cornstarch

- 150 gr Sugar

- 3 TSP Backing powder

for the Filling:

- 500 gr Greek Yogurt

- 500 ml heavy whipping cream

- 1 - 2 boxes of granulated Gelatine

- Lemon extract (or juice of 1 Lemon)

- 125 gr Sugar

This is how you do it:

Separete the Eggs. With 1 TSP of Sugar, whip the egg whites till stiff peaks. (Turn the bowl over. If it doesn't fall on you, you are good lol) 
Beat the egg yolks along with the warm water and rest of sugar until its foamy, almost pale in color and doubled in volume. Sift the flour, corn starch and baking powder over the egg yolk mixture and carefully fold it into to get a smooth but airy dough. The same with the egg whites. Fold it now carefully into the dough to not destroy the air bubbles. 

Preheat oven to 350 degrees and bake the cake for  20 min in a round form. Line the form on the bottom with parchment Paper. Do not fatten the ring of the baking sheet. The dough will "slip" on the side of the pan and won't rise as good as it could.

After the baking time, let the cake cool completely before you continue. I usually bake the cake the night before so I continue in the morning. 

In a seperate bowl, whip the heavy whipping cream until stiff peaks. Halfway through the process, add the sugar, the  Gelatine and the Lemon juice/extract. When the cream is stiff, add the greek yogurt to it and mix well. 

Take the cake out of the form and cut it in half. You can use a sewing string for that to get it nice and
even. Put the bottom part on a nice cake server and add the ring around it again. Now fold the Filling mixture over the bottom cake. You can add fruits within the cream or you can slice them and lay them
nicely on the bottom cake first before adding the filling. That is up to you. When the Filling is on, you put the top cake part back on. Now cool it for at least 2 hrs in the fridge to give the Gelatine time to harden. 

Before you serve, remove the ring and put powder sugar on the top. You can also decorate with some more of the fruits you chosen or with some whipping cream.

Guten Appetit

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