Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Buttermilk - what you can do with it


Buttermilk - and what you can do with it

Today I want to talk about Buttermilk and what you can do with it. Buttermilk is more useful then
just for making pancakes or Buttermilk Biscuits. Buttermilk can do  much more. Especially
the cultured one. 

The two things I like to do the most with it are Creme Fraiche and Quark. Quark is something
similar to Ricotta or Greek Yogurt. But it contains more fat. And as a Chef we all know, that 
fat is a transporter of flavor. And the cultured used in the Buttermilk are the "good" cultures
what helps with the digestive system. Also, when you produce it yourself, you know there ain't
be any preservatives in it you can't pronounce. 

For the Creme Fraiche (Sour Cream) you need:
- ca 200 ml Heavy Whipping Cream (a little less then a cup)
- 3 Tablespoons of cultured Buttermilk

Use a glass container you heated up in boiling water first to kill all other germs. Let it slightly cool. Then add both ingredients and stir. Now you just put a coffee Filter over it and fix it with an elastic band. Let it sit outside in the warmth for 24 hrs. After the 24 hrs, stir and you will see that it already started to set and get slightly thicker. Then cover it again with the coffee Filter (that helps it to breath but prevents of dirt falling in) and put it in the fridge for another 24 hrs. After that time, stir and you will notice its a thick, creamy mass. Now you can just close it and store in the fridge. You can use creme fraiche instead of Sour cream (but its not that "sour"), you can use it for cooking (it melts nicer), you can use it instead of butter on your Toast with Marmelade or on Pancakes. 

For the Quark you will need:
- Buttermilk. (1 Bottle of 500 ml/ 2 cups will make around 500 gr of Quark)
- Slow cooker (or a regular pot if you don't have a slow cooker)

Add the Buttermilk in the slow cooker. Put it on LOW and let it sit for around 1 hrs. (you will notice that the curds seperating from the Whey. Then it's done) When you make it in a regular pot on the stove, make sure that the heat is not to high. You don't want it to boil. It should just slightly heat up. Once the seperation is complete, drain it in a strainer with a cheesecloth inside. You can now put it on a pot so you catch the Whey. The Whey can be used to bake bread or even to give it to pets for drinking. Wait til the Quark is all drained (you might want to put a plate on top to help the process) and then you can transfer it to a container and store it in the fridge. 

Quark can be used for so many things. You can eat it sweet with Marmelade or fruits and sugar/honey. You can add whipped cream and make it a creamy yogurt. You can add herbs/garlic/onions and eat it with boiled Potatoes. You can bake with it - for example our famous german Cheesecake. 

Or Kaese-Sahne Torte (cheese-whipping cream Tort) 

Or maybe you are creating your own dishes with it. Have fun and Guten Appetit

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