Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Eggnog Torte

                                                   Eggnog Torte

I love eggnog Torte. Unfortunately, you have to make the eggnog first since we add Alcohol in ours. So I will give you the recipe for that too. You can make that ahead of making the Torte.

This is what you need for the eggnog:

- 6 egg yolks

- 150 gr Vanilla sugar or 150 gr sugar and 1 Vanilla bean

- 300 ml heavy whip 

- 150 ml white Rum or Cognac

This is how you do it:

Put the eggs with the sugar in a bowl over a pot hot water and beat it until its nice and creamy. Then add the heavy cream and the Alcohol and keep beating it for like 4 min. over the Waterbath. Pour the Eggnog into bottles and place it in the fridge until cool.

This is what you need for the cake:

- 80 gr Sugar

- 80 gr Butter 

- 14 gr Vanilla sugar

- 5 eggs

- 200 gr ground Hazelnuts (Amazon has 2.2lbs for $20)

- 100 gr dark chocolate, finely grated

- 2 TSP Baking Powder

- 500 ml Heavy whip

- 1 Pack Whip it (or 1 TBSP Cornstarch)

- 1 TSP Sugar

This is how you do it:

Divide the egg whites and yolks. To the egg yolks, add the sugar and vanilla sugar and whisk until nice and creamy and bright yellow. Add the butter and the mix of Baking powder and Hazelnuts and stir carefully.  Do the same with the chocolate. Stir carefully. Whisk the egg whites with a pinch of salt until stiff peaks. Carefully stir that into the batter to not kill the air bubbles.

Use a round, 26cm diameter Baking Form and lay down on the bottom Nonstick Baking Paper. Do not butter the sides of the baking form, the dough can not rise properly if you do. It will "slip". Add the batter to the Form and bake it in the preheated oven of 335 degrees for 60 min.. Remove the Form and let the cake cool completely before filling.

Whisk the Heavy whip with the sugar and whip it (or corn starch) until stiff. Cover the whole cake and the sides of the cake as well with the whipping cream. Leave some so you can set little dots around the outskirts of the cake to make a barrier for the eggnog. Add carefully the eggnog and let cool until set. If the eggnog is to liquid, add some Gelatin to it. I found this to be the best idea. Let it sit a moment to slightly getting thicker before you add it on top of the cake so it doesn't run down.

Decorate the sides of the cake with shaved dark chocolate. 

Guten Appetit