Friday, April 14, 2017

Fried egg cake (Spiegeleikuchen)

                         Fried egg cake


So, this is a cake traditionally baked around eastern. But hey, who says you can't bake it in between also??? There are no rules right?

Well, this is what you need for the bottom:

- 250 gr. soft unsalted butter

- 250 gr sugar

- 300 gr. flour

- 3 Eggs

- 9 gr baking powder

- 14 gr Vanilla sugar

This is what you need for the filling:

- 1 1/2 packs of vanilla powder to cook

- 1/2 liter (2 cups) milk

- 4 TBSP sugar

- 450 gr greek yogurt

- maybe a bit more extra sugar

This is what you need for the topping:

- 2 glasses of Apricots

- 2 packs Glaze clear

 This is how you do it:

Combine the ingredients for the bottom with your hands. Put it in foil and let it rest in the fridge
for around 30 min.. 

Cook the pudding like it says on the pack but with the 1 1/2 packs. Let it cool and then add the greek
yogurt and stir thoroughly. Add a bit sugar if you like it sweeter.

Open the Apricots and drain them, catching the juice in a bowl.

Use a clean oven trey and spray butter on it and coat it with some flour. Now add the dough and squeeze it with your hands till you have the whole trey covered. Bake it for 15-20 min at 350 degrees. 

Remove the cake and add the filling. Spread evenly. Add the Apricot upside down so they look like
egg yolks. Bake it for another 15-20 min.. Don't let it get brown.

Let the cake cool off before you add the glaze. For the Glaze, use 2 cups of the Apricot juice (you might have to fill it up a bit with water to reach the 2 cups) Add sugar and glaze mix to the juice
and stir well. Heat it up till it cooks and let simmer for 1 min.. Let cool off for 1 min then spread 
evenly over the whole cake.

Let cool completely. You might want to start a day ahead you actually want to serve the cake.

Guten Appetit